Thursday, March 19, 2009

Three quarters of internet users on Social Media

According to numbers from comScore World Metrix 67% of internet users around the world engage with social media in one form or another

With the total internet population increasing by 11% over the year, use of social media increased by 25% to over 580 million unique visits during the month.

Interestingly, although usage in North America was still growing at 9% over the previous 12 months, actual visits at 131 million was significantly behind both Asia at over 200 million visits (23% growth), and Europe at 165 million visits (35% growth).

Many organisations perceive use of social media to be a North American led phenomena and use a US bias in users as a reason not to engage with social media.

With 67% of the internet population now engaging with social media and with 35% of them living in Asia, maybe its time for more organisations to consider how best to use social media to manage and further their reputation?

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