Monday, April 6, 2009

5 million Australian's are online every day

6.5 million Australians now belong to an online social network according to Nielsen Online and 23% interacted with a company through social media. In addition, of the number of Australian’s online, 5 million access the internet every day.

In addition, the study showed that 57% of Australians have watched videos online, specifically to help them decide whether or not to buy a product, with YouTube proving the most popular, used by 75% of Australians last year. In general terms, according to the UM Wave 3 survey, 77.2% of Australian internet users who access social media have watched a video clip.

Surely it is time for Australian organisations to take social media more seriously and allocate time and resources to better understanding how its use could add value to their brand and their products or services.

There is a tipping point when the risk to an organisation of getting involved with Social Media is outweighed by the risk of not getting involved. We are rapidly approaching that point.

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